We now offer online giving through Vanco eGiving service. You can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring gifts.
Give+ app is also available for mobile devices. App is not required to give.
Click here to get started.
You can send checks to the
church office:
Ewa Beach
United Methodist Church
91-660 Pohakupuna Road
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
For additional info, please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section below.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How does online giving work?
With the online form, fill out the amount of your gift to your selected fund/s, select a start date and/or end date, frequency, contribution amount, and payment method. On the scheduled date/s, contributions will be processed and deposited into the church bank account. You will also have the option to create an online profile. With an online profile, you are able to manage your contributions.
When will my contributions be processed?
Your contributions will be processed on the date/s you authorize.
Will I receive a receipt?
If you are logged into your online profile or entered your email address when completing a contribution, you will receive a receipt via email. With an online profile, you will also be able to view transactions in your giving history.
Should I create an online profile?
- While not necessary to give, creating an online profile will allow you to manage your contributions. You will have the ability to control and/or make changes to your giving history.
Can I cancel or place a hold on my contribution?
You can cancel or suspend contributions by notifying the church or by going online and signing into your online profile.
How can I get a refund if I made a mistake or contributed the wrong amount?
Contact the church office and we will be able to credit the amount contributed in error back to your profile.
What payment methods can I use to give?
Contributions can be made with all major debit/credit cards (ie. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). You can also give or pay using your checking or savings account.
How do I use and set up the mobile app?
​While the app is not required to give using mobile devices, you have the option to use and download the free Give+ mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Once installed, search the app for our church either by name (Ewa Beach UMC) or zip code (96706) to begin. You will be given the options to login, create an account, or just proceed to give. It works the same as the online form. For additional guide, click here.
How safe is electronic giving?​
Vanco eGiving service meets or exceeds all industry standards to safeguard your data as they take protecting the security and privacy of all clients’ payment information and transactions very seriously. To help ensure your data stays safe, Vanco eGiving service utilize the most advanced technology and follow the most stringent guidelines to ensure all your information remains secure. For more info about security, visit here.